- The Curry2Go shop. Oh, temptation.
- The Petone Artisan Spring
- Korokoro Walking Tracks
- Pak N Save bread--cheap as.
- The Riverside Market
- The kids: Bhaavia (Beady), Yasheka, Fionn, Jamie, Mikayla, Summer, Toby, Joey, Kiera, Emma, Annaliese tickling me all the time (from the Holiday program), Ribena, Kate, Peter, Dylan never eating his sandwich, Luka Bazooka, Kezia and I always beeing cold, Katie and how she is growing up too fast, JC and his teddy bear, Nadia, Jackie, Callahan sitting in the window and getting really excited when Jasmine gave him Nerds, and all the other kids of course.
- My co-workers: Jasmine, Terri, Adam, Jordyn, Carol, Sheila
- Jordyn laughing whenever I swore because he thought is was funny
- Carol and her hands full of rings and her obsession with pink
- Finding out on my last day that over half of the people employed at my work were Mormon and being flabbergasted
- Helpings the kids with their spelling
- Playing Freeze with the kids
- Playing Frankenstein with the kids
- The Foosball tournament: Melissa winning, Toby losing and crying, Summer comforting her brother and making me miss mine.
- Singing happy birthday to a kid with the other kids even though it was never together or in tune
- How well my job payed (just being honest)
- Going to see the Wellington Improv Troupe (WIT) perform at The Fringe Bar
- Cuba Street
- Norma Blue cafe and their chai latte's.
- During the Holiday program how the kids could NEVER figure out any of the pre-planned art projects so we just did something else.
- My space heater
- Jackson Street
- Flax Cafe's juices
- Running by the ocean and the smell of fish and sand
- The dock
- Seeing the moon in the day time. It looked like a round cloud.
- Jasmine saying "that's not normal," "f**king fruitcake" or that she's "unsure!"
- Our day at Paraparaumu and the CRAZY Perfumery lady
- Afternoon tea, and eating the left over food
- Bats Theatre
- Courtenay Place
- Wasabi Sushi on Cuba Street
- Walking around Wellington late at night searching for a bus stop, full of fear that I'd get mugged
- Kids holding my hand
- Fionn taking me Alien Hunting, pointing out imaginary AlienNeutrons and New Zealand Snakes
- Playing Superheroes with the kids and always being Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Joey always wanting to be 'Goop' (whomever that is) and counteracting EVERYTHING with "Well, I have all the powers possible, so you can't do anything to me/that." Me trying to explain that if he had no weakness, there was ZERO point in playing the game.
- My efforts being wasted on the above explanation.
- Doing art with the kids. The kids telling me I was a good artist.
- Jasmine saying, "F**k you, you are a good artist."
- Imali drawing a picture of a girl alien and drawing a speech bubble that read, "I kissed a girl and I liked it." Jasmine telling her to give it to me. Me cracking up.
- Mikayla thinking I was rich because I was an actor.
- Bhaavia thinking that me only having 200 dollars to my name made me "rich."
- Eran driving me NUTS with his talk of body functions and talking toilets.
- Playing "singing in the rain" with the kids
- My bed even though it was crappy on my back
- Yoga in Wellington, even if I only went once
- Kids telling me they have my same water bottle almost everyday, as if they forgot they had already told me this three times that week.
- Bhaavia telling me that Barack Obama was the King of America, and when I corrected her and said we had no Kings or Queens, her telling me that Michael Jackson had been our King.
- That guy who sold me coffee in the NZ Unique shop who was really friendly and who told me about the hidden grocery store (Middle Eastern and South African goods I think) and who told me about the Riverside Market
- Running through the train station with 30 kids to make a train and falling to my knees while running and skidding across the floor. Owwwwwww.
- The 'buskers'--street musicians--at the market.
- Steve coming to visit me in Wellington.
- Steve and I singing to the Bonnie Tyler 'Literal Version' youtube video at about 3 in the morning even when my flatmates were asleep.
- Rude bus drivers
- Nice bus drivers
- Bus drivers who drove like MANIACS and made me want to vomit
- Trying to keep the kids from playing in the bushes
- Giving up on keeping the kids from playing in the bushes
- Playing with the kids in the bushes
- The actual school banning playing in the bushes and having an assembly about it
- Finding this out
- Having to put kids in time out for playing in the bushes
- The kids playing "Vampires" but they shot each other instead of 'sucking blood.' Me trying to explain that vampires don't use guns, because they have fangs. Dur.
- Eran trying to eat me because he was a Zombie, and me telling him, "Nope, I'm Zombie-immune," just to be difficult.
- Cheering up Peter when really mean kids had picked on him at school.
- Bhaavia always noticing my tiny ounce of patronization/sarcasm when I was trying to keep my temper with Michelle and giggling quietly.
- Bhaavia telling me I was her favorite teacher.
- Seeing 500 Days of Summer with Jo. Telling everyone after that how much I loved that movie.
- Accidentally dropping my tray of food on a really rude French couple at the food court. The man demanding I clean off his bag with a napkin because he couldn't do it himself. Me wishing I knew how to say "bite me" in French. And also thinking, "Wow, way to fulfill your stereotype, douchebag. It was an accident. Do accidents not happen in France?"
- Not being able to walk past Sushi of Japan in the mall without buying at least a seaweed salad
- Summer and Mikayla being 'too cool' to play the games I played with the kids (Singing in the Rain, Frankenstein, Peel Banana, Boom Chicka Boom, etc.) Me telling Mikayla that if she wanted to be a director of films (she does) she should get used to games like these because they're all theatre games. Her looking stunned and thoroughly corrected. Ha!
- Summer being a tiny adult. Seriously, she's so grown up. And sassy.
- 5 year old adorable Emma always being too afraid and too tiny to play ANY games and always having the following exchange with her:
Emma (looking like she's about to cry): "Sawah... Sawah... I, I, I, Sawah... I don't--"
Me: "It's okay, Emma, you don't have to play."
Emma: "Sawah...tell Jasmine that I don't..."
Me: You don't need to tell Jasmine, Emma, because you told me, and I promise it's fine." Emma: "...Jasmine!" - Terri giving me rides to work
- The awesome psychiatrist who ended up being gay himself and talking to me about the culture, feeding my need for community, and how it seems I came here looking for something more than just an overseas experience. He told me he hoped my year turns out to be everything I don't expect.
- Refusing to play tag no matter how many times the kids tagged me. "Sorry, Sarah doesn't run."
- That time Jordyn slammed his hand in the door and him practically passing out on the floor from pain and having to call the ambulance (which is free here, get with the program America) and Jasmine and I being like, "Great, Jordyn's dying." Trying to keep it from the kids. Jordyn was fine. Making fun of him after that.
- Rehearsing with WIT
- Walking through the Pak N Save parking lot and listening to We Beseech Thee from Godspell and feeling really blessed suddenly--bringing me almost to tears.
- Going swimming with the kids and always being cold. Doing the "flying fox."
- Fionn singing at the pool while he was floating and making his mouth like an 'o' pretending to be an (I have no idea what this is) earth tribal head or something?
- Jack being really good at freeze.
Farewell, Windy Welly.